X-guard passes, sitting guard sweeps, smashing guard passes, guillotine tricks, dealing with grips in guard and spider guard, spinning armbar details, mounted armbar details, inverted half-guard sweeps, and utilizing your weight on their hips/using hip switches to pass.
Woh thats a lot of techniques lets start off in the beginning.
X-guard pass#1
1. Crossface/underhoook their far leg.
2. Sprawl out.
X-guard pass#2
1. Rape-choke the neck controlling the face/cup grip the shin at the ankle push down
2. Rotate/skip your shin out
3. or go reverse knee ride
x-guard pass #3
1. Left leg swings over
2. leaning to your left drop down onto them facing them
Sitting guard sweep #1
1. Hugging close to the leg "listening to their knee"
2. Move left shin in front their right shin.
3. Grip their belt or lapel with your left hand through their legs.
4. Grip their far leg/ roll underneath extending your left leg.
Reverse De La Riva
1. Right leg hooks their left leg, right arm grips behind heel, left foot with heel out pushes on hip.
2. Right hand rotates thumb down palm facing floor, left leg pendulums toward your head, left arm cups under their left leg, spin underneath.
3. Extend hooks while gripping ankles, sit up control hips, establish seatbelt grip, knee moves to head, inside leg hooks their leg, sit and take the back.
Reverse shin sweep (If I have their right leg trapped in half)
1. While in z-half or 93 guard. Feed their left sleeve to your left hand with palm facing them, grip their left knee with your right hand.
2. Extend into them with your left shin, when they push back, pull with your legs, take them over your left shoulder with a backward roll.
3. Use the pants grip to elevate their leg, use the shin to push their hips up, use the sleeve to remove their base.
Tornado sweep (more of a counter)
1. From half control an opposite sleeve grip, spin to your right inverted with your right leg between their knees.
2. Grip both of their knees, pull them forward, elevate with your leg.
3. Control the pants and remove your leg.
"classica" sweep
1. Grip their leg that is trapped in the half guard. grip the arm on the triceps that would be crossfacing you.
2. Use your knees to pull their hips over yours.
3. Push their arm toward your feet, elevate their leg, roll over your left shoulder with a backward roll.
Variation of the classica sweep
Nogi variation in the last part.
Butterfly guard passes.
1. Control their hip and knee, step a foot into the middle and one foot out.
2. Hip switch with leg on the outside to turn their legs/hips to face away from you, come ontop of their hips.
3. Control their collar, and belt, Switch the inside leg over and pass into side control.
Nogi Open guard pass
1. Right arm comes under their right shin and grips with palm facing up on their calf. Other hand goes on top of their knee.
2. Right hand moves to their thigh, hip switch over, cross face behind their head with your left, smash with your hips.
General tips
Make sure to force their legs away from you when passing to open the back as well as to stop shrimping attempts.