Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Plateau effect

I'm writing today because lately though I've been improving and did very well in my last tournament I still wasn't what I wanted. I got submitted from guard by an armbar in nogi. However later I was told he competed in Mundials last year so I guess I'm expecting too much but I feel I need to be able to survive in peoples guard even if they are good. I need to work on keeping posture in guard, breaking guard, submission defense in guard, and passing the guard. I'm generally a smaller guy who when in a pinch relies on his guard in trouble, however recently I've been using my top game. I'm only training at a club now at a University so my opponents aren't top notch, and nobody dominates me. So without the constant watchful eye of a blackbelt I've been slowly improving, but this summer I will be able to get constant daily training. I'm fearful and have heard alot of the dangerous blue belt plateau effect.
I've been told about the dreaded plateau effect and wish to avoid it at all costs. I think its more of a mental thing, like once you've got that blue belt you feel theres no need to progress your skills anymore, which is why I like nogi. There is no end the only goal is the top or the guy in front of you. I digress. I'm trying to focus my goals and see significant improvement in my game so as not to fall victim to this process. So my first goal is to learn all I can about maintaining posture in guard and passing guard. Wish me luck folks! Also in that tournament I got my arm popped for the first time hard, it sucked.

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